
New number of shares and votes in Nordnet

The number of shares and votes in Nordnet has increased by 82,492 due to a completed share issue as a result of the exercise of warrants issued under Nordnet’s warrant plan 2020/2023.

The last day of the subscription period was 22 November 2023 and the new shares were issued and registered with the Swedish Companies Registration Office in December. Today, the last trading day of the month, there are a total of 251,534,101 shares and votes in the company. The share capital amounts to SEK 1,257,670.50.

This disclosure contains information that Nordnet is obliged to make public pursuant to the Swedish Financial Instruments Trading Act (1991:980). The information was submitted for publication, through the agency of the contact person, on 29-12-2023 11:00 CET.

For further information, please contact:
Johan Tidestad, Chief Communications Officer, johan.tidestad@nordnet.se, +46 708 875 775
Marcus Lindberg, Head of Investor Relations, marcus.lindberg@nordnet.se, +46 764 923 128

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