Nordnet Pensionsförsäkring AB

Nordnet Pensionsförsäkring AB.

About Nordnet Pensionsförsäkring AB

Nordnet Pensionsförsäkring AB’s (Nordnet Pension) business concept is to offer products and services which enables its customers to take control of its financial future and offer protection during different events of life.

Nordnet Pension offers a wide range of savings- and life insurance products for individuals and corporates, such as occupational pension, endowment, private pension, life insurance, sickness and disability insurance and health insurance.

Distribution is carried out digitally on Nordnet’s web page, by its own sales force and by insurance intermediaries.

Nordnet Pension was established in 2005. Today Nordnet Pension administrates around 171.000 insurance contracts and has around SEK 102 billions in assets under management.

The number of employees is around 30 persons.

Nordnet Pension’s financial strength

The solvency ratio is a measure of the insurance company’s ability to fulfil its obligations towards its customers. As of 31 December 2022, Nordnet Pension’s solvency ratio was 1.86. According to EU legislation, the minimal solvency ratio requirement is 1.


Sustainability is important to us and is a central part of our DNA – to democratize savings and investments. We conduct activities and investments that promote socially beneficial goals and at the same time improve Nordnet’s long-term competitiveness. You can read more about the Nordnet Group's overall sustainability work here.

Read more about sustainability work in accordance with SFDR (Sustanable Finance Disclosure Regulation) (in Swedish):

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