The average price for acquired shares amounts to 150.14 SEK per share, and the total amount is 32,341,091 SEK. The transactions have carried out on Nasdaq Stockholm.
Nordnet did not previously hold any shares, and Nordnet’s total holding after the repurchase transactions amounts to 215,413 shares. The total number of outstanding shares in Nordnet amounts to 250,000,000.
The repurchases have been carried out as follows:
Date | Number of shares, aggregate volume | Average price per day (SEK) | Total daily transaction value (SEK) |
2022-02-10 | 30,000 | 147.7470 | 4,432,410 |
2022-02-12 | 90,000 | 151.2870 | 13,615,830 |
2022-02-14 | 90,000 | 149.5763 | 13,461,867 |
2022-02-15 | 5,413 | 153.5163 | 830,984 |