
Nordnet: Monthly statistics June

Information about Nordnet is available at www.nordnetbankab.wpengine.com

In June, 1,941,149 trades were made in stocks, warrants and options among Nordnet’s customers in Sweden, Norway, Denmark and Finland. That corresponds to 97,057 trades per day. The number of customers in the end of June was 523,200, which is 6,200 more than previous month. The number of accounts was 673,800, which is 8,900 more than previous month. Net savings for the month was SEK 2,400 million and the savings capital was SEK 205 billion. Lending to customers by the end of June was SEK 7.7 billion. From May 2016, mortgage is included in the total lending volume. 

Table: Nordnet’s total trades on all exchanges and market places for all customers, and average number of trades per day. Average number of trades per day is calculated as total trades divided by the number of days the Swedish exchanges are open. Accounts, customers, net savings, savings capital and lending are based on preliminary data.

   June June Change May Change
   2016 2015 one year 2016 one month
Number of trades               
Sweden 1,026,837 729,881 40.7% 873,930 17.5%
Norway 251,663 178,858 40.7% 220,835 14.0%
Denmark 371,522 279,843 32.8% 293,520 26.6%
Finland 291,127 231,789 25.6% 233,529 24.7%
Total 1,941,149 1,420,371 36.7% 1,621,814 19.7%
Average per day 97,057 67,637 43.5% 79,113 22.7%
Traded value cash market (SEK million) 66,479 52,870 25.7% 53,227 24.9%
Active customers 523,200 462,500 13.1% 517,000 1.2%
Active accounts 673,800 588,500 14.5% 664,900 1.3%
Net savings (SEK million) 2,400 1,000 140.0% 1,000 140.0%
Savings capital (SEK billion) 205 191 7.2% 205 -0.3%
Margin lending excluding cash and
cash equivalents (SEK million)
4,566 3,835 19.1% 4,383 4.2%
Personal Loans (SEK million) 2,844 2,357 20.7% 2,788 2.0%
Mortgage (SEK million) 246 49 401.7%

 In June we saw a high activity when it comes to new customers, net savings and number of trades. By the end of the month we experienced the second highest number of trades ever during a single day. After it became clear that Britain voted to leave the EU, stock exchanges all over the world showed the largest declines in many years. By the end of the month however, there was a recovery but the Nordic stock exchanges closed between minus one and minus four percent, says Jacob Kaplan, CFO of Nordnet.

Watch CFO Jacob Kaplan commenting on the monthly statistics at 14:00 at Twitter/Periscope. Link on Twitter @Nordnet. 

For more information, please contact:
Jacob Kaplan, CFO, jacob.kaplan@nordnet.se, 0708 62 33 94

The information in this report is that which Nordnet AB (publ) is required to publish in accordance with the Swedish Financial Instruments Trading Act and/or the Swedish Securities Act. This information has been submitted to the market for publication on 1 July 2016 at 12:30 (CET).

Nordnet is a bank for investments and savings with business in Sweden, Denmark, Finland and Norway. The idea behind Nordnet is to give customers control of their money, and the goal is to become the no. 1 choice for investments and savings in the Nordics. Nordnet AB (publ) is listed in Nasdaq Stockholm. Visit us at www.nordnetbankab.wpengine.com, www.nordnet.se, www.nordnet.no, www.nordnet.dk or www.nordnet.fi.