
Number of trades by Nordnet’s customers in April

In April, 2,181,798 trades were made in stocks, warrants and options among Nordnet’s customers in Sweden, Norway, Denmark and Finland. That corresponds to 114,831 trades on average per day.

Table: Nordnet’s total trades on all exchanges and market places for all customers, and average number of trades per day. Average number of trades per day is calculated as total trades divided by the number of days the Swedish exchanges are open. 

  April April Change  March Change 
  2019 2018 one year  2019 one month
Number of trades          
Sweden 1,096,712 991,355 10.6% 1,128,835 -2.8%
Norway 324,916 408,518 -20.5% 363,064 -10.5%
Denmark 348,217 235,890 47.6% 387,498 -10.1%
Finland 411,953 347,976 18.4% 444,727 -7.4%
Total 2,181,798  1,983,739  10.0% 2,324,124  -6.1%
Average per day 114,831 101,730 12.9% 110,673 3.8%
Traded value cash market (SEK million)*  62,740 62,871 -0.2% 64,978 -3.4%

* Relates to trades in stocks, warrants, ETFs and certificate.

For more information, please contact:
Johan Tidestad, Head of Communications
+46 708 875 775, johan.tidestad@nordnet.se

Nordnet is a digital bank for savings and investments and we operate in Sweden, Norway, Denmark and Finland. With user-friendliness, availability, a broad offering and low prices, we give our customers the opportunity to achieve their savings ambitions. Visit us at www.nordnetab.comwww.nordnet.sewww.nordnet.nowww.nordnet.dk or www.nordnet.fi.