
Number of trades by Nordnet’s customers in August

In August, 2,327,783 trades were made in stocks, warrants and options among Nordnet’s customers in Sweden, Norway, Denmark and Finland. That corresponds to 101,208 trades on average per day.  

  All Nordic stock exchanges rose in August, and the private savers are optimistic and have increased their number of investments with more than 10 percent since the previous month, says Johan Tidestad, Head of Communications at Nordnet.

Table: Nordnet’s total trades on all exchanges and market places for all customers, and average number of trades per day. Average number of trades per day is calculated as total trades divided by the number of days the Swedish exchanges are open.

  August August Change  July Change 
  2018 2017 one year 2018 one month
Number of trades          
Sweden 1,214,711 1,071,073 13.4% 1,085,959 11.9%
Norway 401,120 321,145 24.9% 262,373 52.9%
Denmark 385,878 395,579 -2.5% 307,302 25.6%
Finland 326,074 413,551 -21.2% 327,477 -0.4%
Total 2,327,783 2,201,348 5.7% 1,983,111 17.4%
Average per day 101,208 95,711 5.7% 90,141 12.3%
Traded value cash market (SEK million) 64,929 61,862 5.0% 57,476 13.0%

* Cash market relates to trades in stocks, warrants, ETFs and certificate.