
Nordnet: Monthly statistics June

In June, 5,044,400 trades were made in listed financial instruments among Nordnet’s customers in Sweden, Norway, Denmark and Finland. That corresponds to 235,200 trades per day. The number of customers at the end of June was 1,475,300 which is 27,000 more than previous month. Net savings for the month was SEK 7.9 billion and the savings capital was SEK 703 billion. Lending amounted to SEK 23.2 billion at the end of June.

June May Change  June Change 
2021[1] 2021 one month 2020 one year
Savings & customers
Number of customers 1 475 300 1 448 300 1,9% 1 069 200 38,0%
Net savings (SEK billion) 7,9 5,2 51,9% 3,2 146,9%
Savings capital (SEK billion) 703 680 3,4% 425 65,6%
Lending (SEK billion)
Margin lending [2] 11,5 11,0 5,0% 6,8 69,1%
Mortgage 7,6 7,4 2,5% 5,3 44,0%
Personal loans 4,0 4,0 0,2% 4,0 0,3%
Total lending 23,2 22,4 3,3% 16,1 43,7%
Number of trades [3]
Sweden 1 860 500 2 262 000 -17,7% 1 908 900 -2,5%
Norway 1 259 300 1 285 600 -2,0% 1 206 500 4,4%
Denmark 1 029 300 1 051 400 -2,1% 854 000 20,5%
Finland 895 300 1 005 500 -11,0% 903 600 -0,9%
Total 5 044 400 5 604 500 -10,0% 4 873 000 3,5%
Share of cross border trades 32,0% 28,6% 3,4% 25,3% 6,7%
Average number of trades per day [4]
Sweden 88 600 116 000 -23,6% 90 900 -2,5%
Norway 57 200 71 400 -19,9% 57 500 -0,5%
Denmark 46 800 58 400 -19,9% 42 700 9,6%
Finland 42 600 50 300 -15,3% 43 000 -0,9%
Total 235 200 296 100 -20,6% 234 100 0,5%

[1] The numbers for June 2021 are preliminary.

[2] Lending excluding pledged cash and cash equivalents.

[3] Nordnet’s total trades on all exchanges and market places for all customers, and share of cross border trades.

[4] Average number of trades per day is calculated as total trades per market divided by the number of days each stock exchange was open

For further information, please contact:
Johan Tidestad, Chief Communications Officer
johan.tidestad@nordnet.se, +46 708 875 775

Nordnet is a pan-Nordic leading digital platform for savings and investments. Through innovation, simplicity and transparency, we challenge traditional structures, and give private savers access to the same information, tools and services as professionals. Visit us at www.nordnetab.com, www.nordnet.se, www.nordnet.no, www.nordnet.dk or www.nordnet.fi.