
Nordnet’s CEO sells shares

The CEO of Nordnet, Lars-Åke Norling, has today sold 175,000 shares in Nordnet AB (publ).

The CEO of Nordnet, Lars-Åke Norling, has today sold 175,000 shares in Nordnet at a price of 197 SEK per share. After the transaction, Norling owns approximately 1.5 million shares in Nordnet.

”I have chosen to sell part of my shares in Nordnet. The transaction has been made for personal financial reasons. I have a substantial holding in Nordnet left, and I have a very strong engagement in the company and belief in our potential to continue growing on the Nordic savings market”, says Lars-Åke Norling. CEO of Nordnet.

For further information, please contact:
Johan Tidestad, Chief Communications Officer
johan.tidestad@nordnet.se, +46 708 875 775

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