
Rasmus Järborg new Chief Product Officer at Nordnet

Rasmus Järborg has been recruited to the position as Chief Product Officer (CPO) at Nordnet. He comes from SEB where he, in the role as Chief Strategy Officer was responsible for the bank's digitalization and digital channels, including web and app.

Rasmus Järborg is Nordnet’s new CPO, overall responsible for the company’s product development, including digital channels and user experience (UX). Rasmus has experience from a long career in the financial industry and most recently worked at SEB, where he has had several leading roles, including being responsible for all digital customer channels and as a founder of SEB’s innovation lab. He has previously also worked at the global investment bank UBS.

”Rasmus is a dream recruitment that enables us to take the next step in realizing our ambition to create the world’s best customer experience in savings and investments. With his insights into global trends within both digitalization and finance, and an understanding of how to translate this knowledge into good and innovative products for Nordic savers, Rasmus has the perfect mix of skills Nordnet needs”, says Peter Dahlgren, CEO of Nordnet.

Nordnet was bought out from Nasdaq OMX Stockholm in February 2017, which created the prerequisites for significant investments in the customer offering.

”The main task for Rasmus is to speed up our product development and deliver on our ambition of creating the world’s best customer experience in savings and investments. Among other things, he will focus on expanding our digital advisory services and develop the best customer channels for savings in all our Nordic markets”, says Peter Dahlgren.

Rasmus Järborg starts at Nordnet during autumn 2018.

”Nordnet has the resources to realize its high ambitions and I look forward to delivering the ideas I have in product development together with the team and our customers. It feels very inspiring to come to Nordnet – the bank has a strong Nordic brand, and I look forward to taking our offering to the next level with my new colleagues”, says Rasmus Järborg, new CPO at Nordnet.

Rasmus Järborg on Linkedin

For further information, please contact:
Henrik Edström, PR Manager Nordnet
Phone: +46 70 421 84 66
E-mail: henrik.edstrom@nordnet.se

Nordnet is a bank for investments and savings with business in Sweden, Denmark, Finland and Norway. The idea behind Nordnet is to give customers control of their money, and the goal is to become the no. 1 choice for investments and savings in the Nordics. Visit us at www.nordnetab.comwww.nordnet.sewww.nordnet.nowww.nordnet.dk or www.nordnet.fi.