
Nordnet appointed Bank of the Year 2017 in Sweden

The Swedish magazine Privata Affärer has appointed Nordnet “Bank of the Year” in Sweden 2017. In its decision, the jury put emphasis on the large number of product launches during the year and the high level of innovation at Nordnet.

The magazine Privata Affärer, the largest private finance magazine in the Nordic region, each year carries out a survey of the Swedish banks and appoints “Bank of the Year”. The award is this year given for the 27th time. The motivation for Nordnet says: ”The bank that has been in the forefront of making savings easier, increases the pace. The jury likes more concrete services that can improve our readers’ finances.”

”This is, according to me, the most prestigious award a Swedish bank can receive. We have increased the pace in our product development and we are very happy that the jury recognizes us for that, ”says Peter Dahlgren, CEO of Nordnet.

During the year, Nordnet has launched several new services and products on the Swedish market. Examples are robo-advice, direct deposits through Swish, a broader mortgage offering and commission free trading in exchange traded products. Within short, Nordnet’s customers will experience customer service based on artificial intelligence, and through a collaboration with the Swedish fintech company Tink, they will be able to see their savings in shares and funds at other banks when logged in at Nordnet. In addition to all this, a new website and app will be launched during the winter.

”We have ambitious plans where quick and innovative product development is the essence of what we do. During the year, we have taken great steps forward and I see this award as a symbol of the competence and energy in this company, ”says Peter Dahlgren.

Nordnet receives the ”Bank of the Year” award for the second time. Nordnet received the award for the first time in 2006. Nordnet has also received the award ”Loan of the Year” 2011, for the consumer loan Nordnet offers with the lowest interest rate in Sweden.

For further information, please contact:
Henrik Edström, PR Manager Nordnet
Tel: +46 70 421 84 66

Nordnet is a bank for investments and savings with business in Sweden, Denmark, Finland and Norway. The idea behind Nordnet is to give customers control of their money, and the goal is to become the no. 1 choice for investments and savings in the Nordics. Visit us at www.nordnetab.comwww.nordnet.sewww.nordnet.nowww.nordnet.dk or www.nordnet.fi.